100% Scholarship for Top Ten Students

Academic Admission Fees for Science (XI-XII)

Sl No. Type of Fee Amount
1 Admission Fee 950.00
2 Establishment Fee 700.00
3 Library Fee 340.00
4 Games and Sports 150.00
5 Electricity Fee 250.00
6 Examination Fee 200.00
7 Union Fee 100.00
8 Teaching Aid Fee 1550.00
9 Festival Fee 170.00
10 Students Aid Fund 500.00
11 Enrollment 90.00
12 Development Fund 1250. 00
13 Career Counselling 150. 00
14 Caution Money 500. 00
15 Construction Fee 2250. 00
16 Furniture Maintenance 350. 00
Total 9500. 00

Tuition fees for calss XI and XII (For Science Rs. 1,100.00 per month for both mediums).

Laboratory Fee

HS. 1st Year - Rs. 1,500.00 (Per subject annually) for Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

HS. 2nd Year - Rs. 2,000,00 (Per subject annually) for Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

Academic Admission Fees for Arts (XI-XII)

Sl No. Type of Fee Amount
1 Admission Fee 950.00
2 Establishment Fee 700.00
3 Library Fee 240.00
4 Games and Sports 150.00
5 Electricity Fee 150.00
6 Examination Fee 220.00
7 Union Fee 100.00
8 Teaching Aid Fee 550.00
9 Festival Fee 500.00
10 Students Aid Fund 200.00
11 Enrollment 90.00
12 Development Fund 750. 00
13 Career Counselling 150. 00
15 Construction Fee 700. 00
16 Furniture Maintenance 350. 00
Total 5800. 00

Tuition fees for calss XI and XII (For Arts Rs. 900.00 per month for both mediums).

Academic Admission fee for Class IX and X

Sl No. Type of Fee Amount
1 Admission Fee 1200.00
2 Examination Fee 700.00
3 Electricity and Water Charge 300.00
4 Development Fees 500.00
5 Festival Fee 500.00
6 Union Fee 100.00
Total 3300.00

Tuition fees for calss IX and X (Rs. 700.00 per month for both mediums).

Hostel Admission Fees

Sl No. Type of Fee Amount
1 Admission Fee 1350.00
2 Medical Service 400.00
3 Establishment Fee 950.00
4 Electricity Fee 300.00
5 Games & Sports 250.00
6 Furniture Maintenance 1150.00
Total 4400.00

Mess Dues

Sl No. Type of Fee Amount
1 Food 2,550.00
2 Workers Salary 700.00
3 Seat Rent 600.00
4 Power Supply 300.00
5 Sweaper Charge 350.00
Total 4500.00

Other Fees Structure

Sl No. Type of Fee Amount
1 Prospectus 240.00
2 Identity Card 120.00
3 Badge 80.00
4 Tie 160.00
5 Blazer Coat 1,800.00
Total 2400.00