100% Scholarship for Top Ten Students

Green Belt Foundation is established to build modern educational institute. Our main aims are to bring success in various competitive examinations, to make for the students strong in quality based education initially establishing a senior secondary level institute named "National Academy of Education" at Bonpura, Kaplabari. It is our strong belief and hope that, National Academy of Education is a nurturing ground for the students community to achieve scientific attitute & morality. This institute will be able to lead our region and country in the sphare of education by providing reality based education. It is committed to provide any kind of space for science, research and developed Arts and Science in Secondary level. Our goal is also to provide B.Ed and Nursing Institute in the years to come.

Moto: "Better education leads a better nation."


National Academy of Education is established with an aim to impart quality based education to students. Through this Academy, the students are well guided to provide the interaction in between the students and extensive knowledge of Science, Arts and Secondary level with due importance being given to the human value. This holistic development of an individual leads to promote the national progress in the field of Science, Arts and Secondary level. It is expected that the Academy will soon be able to further provide nursing and B.Ed facilities.


National Academy of Education is started with the vision of education system which should instill in the minds of students capacities of creativity, enquiry, technology, entrepreneurial and moral leadership.